Term: Density
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Term: Density
- Definition:
- Density can refer to either transmission density or reflection density. Transmission density refers to the opacity of the object and is measure of the percentage of light transmitted through the object when compared with the amount of light striking the object. The formula for calculating transmission density is Log10 1/T=D, where T = % transmittance and D=density. For example, an object that transmitted 50% of the light striking it, would have a transmission density of 0.3. Reflection density is a function of the percentage of light reflected by an object when compared with the light striking the object. The formula for reflection density is similar to transmission density. Where R=% of reflection, density = log10 1/R. Measures of both transmission and reflection density of objects can be made using a densitometer.
- Category:
- Image
- See also:
- Densitometer