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- Jaggies
- The visible "steps" of edges or lines around a pixel in a digital image, and is most notable in areas of high contrast. Anti- aliasing can reduce the visibility of the jagged features.…
- See Also Aliasing; Distortion
- The Joint Bi-level Image Experts Group (JBIG) image compression standard is a lossless image compression standard (ISO/IEC standard 11544 and as ITU-T recommendation T.82) for compression of binary images, particularly for faxes. JBIG offers a significant improvement in compression over the Fax Group 4 standard.…
- Japan Electronic Industry Development Association (JEIDA); merged with the Electronics Industries Association of Japan (EIAJ) on November 1, 2000 to form JEITA.…
- The objective of the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA) is to promote the healthy manufacturing, international trade and consumption of electronics products and components in order to contribute to the overall development of the electronics and information technology (IT) industries. In addition to a vast array of product areas covered by JEITA…
- Originally created by JSTOR and the Harvard University Library but since 2017 maintained by OPF (Open Preservation Foundation), JHOVE is an open source, extensible software framework for file format identification, validation, and characterisation.
- Jitter
- Generic digital-data term that is defined here for the sake of digital audio-visual content. Jitter is the unwanted variation of one or more characteristics of a periodic signal in electronics and telecommunications, which may be seen in characteristics such as the interval between successive pulses, or the amplitude, frequency, or phase of successive cycles. Jitter…
- See Distortion
- JP2
- JP2 is the file extension/mime-type for normal JPEG 2000 image files described by part 1 of the ISO/IEC specification.…
- See JPEG 2000
- The Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) standard specifies the most common compression method applied to black & white and color images. JPEG compressed images can be viewed in any Internet browser and in hundreds of software applications available for all operating systems. JPEG generally provides a 10:1 compression ratio with minimum visual degradation,…
- JPEG 2000
- The Joint Photographic Experts Group developed JPEG 2000 as an open imaging compression and file format standard (ISO/IEC 15444-1:2000) with the intention of superseding their original JPEG standard. JPEG 2000 is a wavelet-based image compression method that provides much better image quality at smaller file sizes than the original JPEG method. The JPEG 2000…
- See JP2