Gap Analysis
Still Image Working Group
The Gap Analysis is intended as a living and evolving document to identify and prioritize those areas of digitization that fall within the scope of this Initiative, and that are: a) not currently defined within existing agency guidelines; or b) not adequately addressed by those guidelines.
Document Background
The Gap Analysis is intended as a living and evolving document to identify and prioritize those areas of digitization that fall within the scope of this Initiative, and that are: a) not currently defined within existing agency guidelines; or b) not adequately addressed by those guidelines. The Still Image Working group can then make use of this information to better focus our combined efforts, and assist in making informed decisions regarding the allocation of resources and budgets in the most efficient manner. This will benefit all participating organizations while adding to the body of knowledge within the cultural heritage community with regard to digital conversion practices and metrics.
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Current Document
- Gap Analysis (PDF, 218 KB)
Last Updated: 12/30/2014