Raster Still Images for Digitization: A Comparison of File Formats
The still image format-comparison effort is led by the Government Printing Office with significant input from the Library of Congress and the National Archives, and it is studying formats suitable for reformatting (digitization). The formats being compared include JPEG 2000, JPEG (DCT), TIFF, PNG, and PDF, and several subtypes. In time, the findings from this project will be integrated into the Working Group's continuing refinement of its general guideline for raster imaging.
- Part 1. Detailed Matrix (unified large table) (PDF) September 2, 2014.
- This table presents all of the information in a single table to facilitate comparisons. All pages after the cover are intended for printing on 11x17-inch paper. Part 2 provides the same information on multiple, easily printable pages.
- Earlier version, April 17, 2014
- Part 2. Detailed Matrix (multi-page) (PDF) September 2, 2014.
- This document presents the information on multiple, easily printable pages. Part 1 provides the same information in a unified table to facilitate comparisons.
- Earlier version, April 17, 2014
- Part 3. Narrative and Summary Table (PDF) August 29, 2014.
- Explanatory document.
- Earlier version, April 17, 2014
Comments are always welcome.
Last Updated: 9/9/2014