Test Sample Files for IIIF Web Annotations Using AudiAnnotate
When FADGI was developing the Guidelines for Embedding Metadata in Broadcast WAVE Files, the group was inspired by the 'SENT' structure (speaker, environment, note, transcription) for IIIF Annotation Layers developed by Kylie Warkentin at the University of Texas at Austin in the AudiAnnotate project. FADGI expanded this original structure for the Labeled Text chunk (ltxt) to 'SENTO' (adding 'other' to the list of options) but used four character short names to fit within the limited space in the adtl/ltxt chunk: spea = speaker, to indicate a specific speaker name; envi = environment noises like mic feedback, laughter, paper rustling, echoes, etc.; note = notes about the recording (ex: “possible cut in recording”); tran = transcription; othr = other.
Discussions about the SENT/SENTO structure broadened as the FADGI and AudiAnnotate teams realized that there was the potential to reuse the contextual data in the adtl chunk and subchunks as IIIF web annotations. The information in the adtl chunks of a Wave file, typically used for preservation purposes, could be exported via the BWF MetaEdit application, v21.07 and later. BWF MetaEdit is a free open source tool that supports embedding, validating, and exporting of metadata in Broadcast WAVE Format (BWF) files. It supports the FADGI Guidelines for Embedding Metadata in Broadcast WAVE Files, including 2021 updates for use of the Associated Data List Chunk (adtl), Label Chunk (labl), Note Chunk (note) and Labeled Text Chunk (ltxt) to accompany use of Cue Chunk (cue) and Cue Points. This data exported as XML or XSL could then be imported via AudiAnnotate as a web annotation for research and access.
The sample files on this page are for testing and research for these workflows. Note that this workflow is still experimental.
LC American Folklife Center
My dear mother, don't you cry; Soldier's lament; Bandit song
Identifier: AFC 1939/007: AFS 02253 B
- LOC Catalog record and file without embedded metadata
- WAV file with embedded cue/adtl chunk data
- Cue/adtl exported XML
Man-on-the-Street," New York, New York, December 8, 1941
Identifier: AFC 1941/004: AFS 6362
- LOC Catalog record and file without embedded metadata
- WAV file with embedded cue/adtl chunk data
- Cue/adtl exported XML
Smithsonian Institution Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives and Collections
- 2021_FADGI_CUE_SAMPLE_0001_WAVELAB.wav: The content is a series of 5 second sine waves (60 Hz, 120 Hz, 240 Hz, 480 Hz, 960 Hz, 1920 Hz) followed by ten seconds of brown noise, pink noise, and white noise. All signals were generated in Wavelab at -12dBFS. I manually added markers at the beginning and ends of each sample and changed them to "CD Track" markers which functions as a cue range. I then changed the name of the first marker to be the name of the sound sample (60 Hz, 120 Hz...etc.) I also attempted to add date range of 2021-08-08--2021-08-09 to the ICRD. The OriginationDate would not change to a range
- 2021_FADGI_CUE_SAMPLE_0002_RX.wav: This sample is identical to the one above except that I used Izotope RX 8 to define the cue start and end times (i.e. length). I also used RX's "Comment" field to indicate "part 01, part 02, part 03." This info shows up correctly in BWFME under the cue Note field.
- 2020_FADGI_CUE_SAMPLE_0001.wav: cue points created in Wavelab Pro 9.5
- 2020_FADGI_CUE_SAMPLE_0002.wav: cue points created in Izotope RX 7
- 2020_FADGI_CUE_SAMPLE_0003.wav: cue points created on hardware recorder Tascam DR-100MKIII
- 2020_FADGI_CUE_SAMPLE_0004.wav: cue points created on hardware recorder Tascam DR-100MKII
- 2020_FADGI_CUE_SAMPLE_0005.wav: cue points created in Audacity; cue info is stored in a sidecar text file
- 2020_FADGI_CUE_SAMPLE_0005_LABELS.txt: sidecar file of cue info
Last Updated: 08/04/2022