Guidelines: Content Categories and Subcategories Objectives:
Reformatting Historical Printed Matter, Documents and Manuscripts,
and Pictorial Materials — Content Categories and Subcategories Table
Still Image Working Group
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Category PT
Photographic negatives and transparencies. Significant visual-arts elements. Viewed by transmitted light.
Subcategory PT.2
Use Cases: Master Images and Image Sets
- Digitizing organization uses archival or production master image(s) to produce derivative images for the use cases listed under the tab to the right.
- Digitizing organization uses the master (or migrated copies) to perform any functions that might have been required of the original negative or transparency in lieu of using the original or in the event of its loss, deterioration, or de-accessioning
- Digitizing organization (or successor/receiving agency with an archiving mission) sustains the master (or migrated copies) for the long-term without loss of essential features.
- Digitizing organization uses masters for disaster recovery in the event of impairment of digital asset management systems.
Quality Notes
- Image-quality characteristics of the archival or production master image(s) must be sufficient to support the production of the various image types listed under the Derivative Images tab. Dependencies include appropriate image specifications and a production activity that applies appropriate process controls, e.g., the use of targets to monitor output, a quality assurance process that includes the use of calibrated monitors and viewing environments, and various automated tools.
- For future exploration: When should master images be in an original-referred image state?
- Image-quality characteristics must be sufficient to permit the use of the master (or migrated copies) to perform any functions that might have been required of the original item in lieu of using the original or in the event of its loss or deterioration. That is, the master will fill the niche formerly filled by interpositives and duplicate negatives, duplicate transparencies.
- Image-quality characteristics plus selection of sustainable digital-content formats must be sufficient to permit sustaining or migrating the master over the long-term without loss of essential features.
- Disaster recovery in the event of the impairment of digital asset management systems depends upon the availability of metadata in standardized formats, including descriptive, administrative, and structural metadata, some or all of which may be embedded in individual images.
Use Cases: Derivative Images and Image Sets
- Patron sees or reads inline image or image set in user interface.
- Patron makes a hard copy of one or more images for personal use.
- Patron is confident that the content received is an accurate and/or authentic reproduction of the original item.
- Patron (or content delivery system) receives information on rights and restrictions (delivery system may act on that information, if appropriate).
- Patron downloads one or more of the derivative images and, later, uses embedded metadata to identify the content and to determined technical and provenance information about the image.
- Patron studies details in, say, a hat that is part of a Civil War soldier's uniform.
- Patron studies details in, say, the deep shadows of Civil War field tent.
- Digitizing organization may run a process that yields descriptions of "low level features" (colors, shapes, etc.). These descriptions may then be indexed in a special application, permitting patrons to search for and/or analyze images according to color, shape, etc.
- Publisher uses image to illustrate a high quality book.
- Publisher uses image to illustrate a large fine art poster.
- Publisher uses image to create museum-quality print.
- Exhibit designer uses image for display "mural."
- Broadcaster uses image in high-definition television program, possibly with a Ken Burns effect.
- Digitizing organization produces and archives an image that documents the condition of the original physical item in order to support its conservation.
Quality Notes
- Pictorial content is reasonably clear. Zoom in may be required.
- Equivalent to good quality photocopy.
- Depends upon provenance metadata (attribute of the copy) and trustworthiness of the provider (attribute of the institution).
- Small item visible.
- High dynamic range (HDR) carried over from the source negative or transparency, permitting the examination of shapes and tones in deep shadows. Although not true HDR, see this explanatory image from Museum Computer Network journal (2000), page 11.
- "Studio quality," permitting an accurate reproduction of the shapes and tones of the original. Good enough to make printing plate(s) for a halftone printed with one ink or using a duotone method.*
- "Studio quality," permitting an accurate reproduction of the shapes and tones of the original on a digital printer.*
- "Studio quality," permitting an accurate reproduction of the shapes, tones, and colors of the original. Good enough to fill high-definition screen and zoom in using a Ken Burns effect.
Inline image in user interface:
Hard copy output:
Patron confidence in accuracy and/or authenticity:
Example of, say, Civil War details for study:
Image used for book illustration or large poster:
Image for use as an exhibition mural:
* What specifics can be offered for the size and resolution (dots per inch) of the printing plates (or, for murals, the output of a large-format digital printer) that would represent success in these use cases? Will the size and resolution increase as the sizes of the original items increase, as is suggested by NARA's incremental recommended specifications for small, medium, and large originals? (See 2004 NARA Guidelines tab.) To illustrate how this might work, imagine creating printing plates for books with the following parameters: from a small original, a plate of 6x9 inches at 120 dpi; from medium, 6x9 inches, 180 dpi; and from large, 10x12 inches, 180 dpi. Similar benchmarks might be established for posters. Meanwhile, the production of exhibition murals might seek the following outcomes: from a small original, a 3x5-foot mural; from medium, 4x6-foot; and from large, 6x9-foot. The success measure would be, "Is the viewing/output digital image produced for these use cases good enough to do the job?"
Image for use in high-definition television program.
Note: Derivative images will generally be in an output-referred image state.
Note: The 2004 NARA Guidelines are divided by the size of the original item, as indicated below. The guidelines also include alternate specifications similar to those below, but with reduced requirements for pixel density. These alternate specifications are not included here.
Specifications for the format range 35 mm and medium format up to 4" x 5", and size range smaller than 20 square inches:
- 4000 pixels across long dimension of image area, excluding mounts and borders Resolution
- Scan resolution to be calculated from actual image dimensions - approx. 2800 ppi for 35mm originals and ranging down to approx. 800 ppi for originals approaching 4"x5"
- Sized to match the original, no magnification or reduction
- 24-bit RGB mode for color and monochrome (e.g. collodion wet-plate negative, pyro developed negatives, stained negatives, etc.), can be produced from a 48-bit RGB file
Pixel Array:
Bit Depth:
Specifications for the format range 4"x 5" to 8"x 10", and size range equal to 20 square inches and smaller than 80 square inches:
- 6000 pixels across long dimension of image area, excluding mounts and borders
- Scan resolution to be calculated from actual image dimensions – approx. 1200 ppi for 4" x 5"originals and ranging down to approx. 600 ppi for 8"x10" originals
- Sized to match the original, no magnification or reduction
- 24-bit RGB mode for color and monochrome (e.g. collodion wet-plate negative, pyro developed negatives, stained negatives, etc.), can be produced from a 48-bit RGB file
Pixel Array:
Bit Depth:
Specifications for the format range of at least 8"x10", and size range larger than or equal to 80 square inches:
- 8000 pixels across long dimension of image area, excluding mounts and borders
- Scan resolution to be calculated from actual image dimensions – approx. 800 ppi for originals approx. 8" x 10"and ranging down to the appropriate resolution to produce the desired size file from larger originals
- Sized to match the original, no magnification or reduction
- 24-bit RGB mode for color and monochrome (e.g. collodion wet-plate negative, pyro developed negatives, stained negatives, etc.), can be produced from a 48-bit RGB file
Pixel Array:
Bit Depth:
Last Updated: 11/07/2016